3 Pack
Tiramisu & Cables: The Lost War

Tiramisu & Cables: The Lost War

One unstoppable champ, one stressed-out boss, and one guy who might do a forward roll mid-negotiation. Who comes out on top? We'll never know but it's cool as this sticker pack.

(Discount doesn't apply to packs)

Free shipping worldwide
Order now, ships within 4-5 days.

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All items are approximately 3 inches tall

  • Made at home

  • Water resistant

  • Tear resistant

How long will it take for my stickers to get to me?

Stickers are shipped from Australia, so if you’re in Australia it shouldn’t take more than 1 week. If you’re outside of Australia it should get to you within 3-4 weeks. If you’re using the Shop App, sometimes the order won’t update from ‘Ready to ship’ because I use stamps. Please check your email for a shipping confirmation to see if your order is on the way.

Will you actually ship my stickers?

Yes. I may even throw in an extra one if I have spares.

How will you ship my stickers?

Inside a plastic bag, inside a cardboard envelope, Ace Ventura in the rain would not be able to damage them.