Your favourite
Hero TV and
Hero Cinema Seat Hero Popcorn
scenes as stickers
Therapy is a jerk off
Little Kicks
Furio & Carm
Why can't you repeat something good?
Mix it with the relish
The Devils!!!
Kenny Roger’s
Your hair was in the toilet water, disgusting.
Still goin' this asshole
Come back one year!
Interesting texture
Drive a Lionel up in there
Stupida Fackin Game
Tony was much better than when they were kids
Back in there with the red menace
Your sister's c#nt!!!
Fuck you doin?!?
Pretty Hot!
Everybody's calling me Nip!
Anytown USA
Whatever happened there...
A little thank you for Puddy
Where's George?
Gladiator ya fuck!
Relax, you're flexiinnnnnnnn
A Man in a Cape
And he hated me anyway!
Hold my drink, bitch
Postal Employee Newman
You double dipped the chip
He's doing the opposite
Why can’t dip be a meal, you know
Happy Birthday Mister President